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Friday, September 25, 2015

Formula To Making Money With Pay Per Click & Lead Generation

Step 1 - Focus On One Topic
Identify a main keyword phrase people are searching for online. One way of doing this is by  using Google's Keyword Planner.

Step 2 - Create Pages On That Topic
Create pages with content related to the topic of your website. This is a good way of capturing search traffic to your website.

Step 3 - Monetize Your Pages
Make money by sending visitors to companies that pay you through pay per click ads and leads.
Rinse, Wash & Repeat
If you have more pages, you get more traffic. If you have more traffic, you make more money.

  • To get started you need to register with Income Activator or simply complete the form to the right.
  • Each page you create should have a Wow Factor.
  • Pictures Your content website's pages should include a picture that visually tells your visitor what this page is about.
  • Videos When possible you should include a relevant video as pages with videos are displayed ahead of pages with pictures for people doing online searches (you can get videos to place on your page from YouTube. Surprisingly, most YouTube videos are available to anyone to use on their websites).
  • Opt-In There should also be an opt-in form to collect new visitor names and email addresses to continue building your mailing list.
  • Email The people on your mailing list should want you to email them a link to every new page, and this is what you should do.

Google Pay Per Click Ads  Google pays you 68% of what the advertiser pays them when a person from your website clicks on their ad. You can register for Google's ads, and have them appear on your website for free. 
  • How Google AdSense Ads Work
  • A Website Using Google Ads To Make Money - Home Gardening Website, Social Media Website

Your Own Pay Per Click Ads Income Activator allows you to have your own advertisers and set your own rates. You keep 100% of the revenue, your clicks are tracked, and your invoices are automatically created. 
Your link can look like a Google Ad. Or better yet, you can promote the advertiser through out your content as a reference where your visitors are more likely to click on it and make you money.
You can also use Income Activator's pay per click as an add-on to your existing website or blog.  
  • How Your Own Pay Per Click Program Works
  • See A Website That's Using Their Own Pay Per Click Program To Make Money - Business Website

Lead Generation You can send leads to businesses you recommend and be paid for it. You can get your own advertisers, set your own rates, the lead is tracked, and your invoices are automatically created. See how lead generation works.
  • How Lead Generation Works
  • A Website Using Lead Generation To Make Money -

Directory Referrals You can also send one visitor lead to multiple businesses, and be paid by all of them all the same time. For example, if each business pays you $10 per lead and you have 10 businesses in your program, one referral is worth $100 to you.
  • How Directory Referrals Work 
  • Websites Directory Referrals To Make Money - Home Renovation Website,

Location: Kent, BC, Kanada


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